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RA! with LauRA Live is an inspiRAtional, funny show designed to help people kick the K away from FUNK and
have just plain FUN. Each show starts with LauRA casting a spell and making everyone including herself
children. She then kicks the K away from the big FUNK letters on the stage and just FUN is left standing.
She shares her true, inspiRAtional story from Bond Trader to RA! RA! Queen while practicing her
RA! RA! Regimen. There is Square Dancin’ in which LauRA dances inside a red square and dares her
audience to dance in a square and when things look bleak to do the freak. She does silly dances such as
the lawnmower and the sprinkler. The dances are so bad that they are actually good. Then
there is Candy is Dandy in which she throws out cool RA! RA! Bags filled with penny candy and a special RA-ism which are inspiRAtional
rhymes. There is Queen or King of the Day in which an audience member is picked to come up and play.
The world loves a strong Queen or King who can play, laugh and sing. Then there is slapping on some
stick in which LauRA takes a break and puts on some lipstick and encourages others to take time out to freshen up.
LauRA bonds with her audience as they watch her become childlike. Watch how she uses her jar of
R’s to help with her Boston accent. See how she shares her RA-isms from her book The RA! RA! Book
such as “you are what you think so don’t tell yourself you stink”, “think twice before you reach for
that extra treat it could enlarge your seat”, “it isn’t a crime to write these rhymes in lime”.
There are singing sessions in which she gets the audience to sing and if they don’t know the words she has them
meow it. She believes in the Meow Theory in which every song can be meowed to and it is better to meow
a song than to keep the music inside you which could cause you to growl. There are Confessions, Confessions you need to say
so the universe can sway in which the audience can share their dreams. The show ends
with LauRA throwing a kiss. It’s pure entertainment designed to uplift people and take them away
from the bla, bla and give them more RA! RA! and makes everyone children again.